TEKNO 1996 February
TEKNO 2-1996.iso
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<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ZONE RAIDERS Demo v1.14s >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
This demonstration program is copyright (c) 1995 Virgin
Interactive Entertainment and copyright (c) 1994-1995
Image Space Incorporated.
You may not disassemble, decompile or reverse engineer
this demonstration program.
This demonstration program is provided as is with no
warranties of any kind expressed or implied. Virgin
Interactive Entertainment and Image Space Incorporated
will not, under any circumstances, be liable for any lost
revenue or other consequential or incidental damages
arising from the use of this demonstration program.
Thanks for trying out this demonstration version of Zone Raiders.
Although this is a work in progress, we wanted people like you to
be the first to try this out. We don't think you will, but if
you do run into technical problems know that they will be fixed
in the retail version.
16 Different Tracks
8 Player IPX Network
4 Selectable Hovercars + 1 Secret Hovercar
8 Usable Weapons
25 Different Enemies
The demo needs a 486DX2 or better PC, 50 MHz or greater,
with approx 7 MB free XMS RAM and VGA graphics.
A math coprocessor is REQUIRED. A 486SX, 486SX/2, Nx586,
or similar chip will not work. If you have a 486-compatible
CPU without a floating-point coprocessor, then Zone Raiders
is the best reason yet to get a DX2, DX4, or Pentium upgrade.
If the demo cannot detect a coprocessor, it will not execute.
Install the demo to your hard disk by typing 'install'
and following the program prompts.
Once the game is installed you can configure your sound
card. For subsequent sound card changes, type 'setsound',
which is in the game root directory.
Most any sound card will work. A low memory GUS may
cause the game to hesitate at times.
Most problems encountered in running ZR are probably due to
insufficient memory available. Zone Raiders requires about
6.5 MB of free XMS memory (according to the DOS command 'mem
/c /p'). If insufficient XMS memory is available, try to
free more memory by doing the following:
/* */
/* NOTE: Always make backup copies of config.sys and */
/* autoexec.bat before attempting any modifications. */
/* */
- try reducing the amount of SmartDrive cache memory to
512K (or 256K in extreme cases). We do NOT recommend that
SmartDrive be disabled, as it will significantly increase
disk loading times. Alter your SmartDrive entry in
autoexec.bat to read:
lh c:\dos\smartdrv.exe 512
lh c:\dos\smartdrv.exe 256
- if you are using a RAM disk, turn it off completely.
If you have any other problems, please call the tech support
number below.
The following control devices are supported, according to
Standard Joystick Type:
one or two regular joysticks,
Flight Stick Pro Type:
Flight Stick, Flight Stick Pro, Virtual Pilot Pro,
Virtual Pedals
Thrustmaster Type:
Thrustmaster FCS, Thrustmaster PFCS, Wingman Extreme
Most other control devices will work as well, just select
the type most appropriate. Go to the CONTROLS option screen
to fully configure a device.
If you would like to preorder or ask questions about Zone
Raiders use the following numbers. Please call customer
service/technical support to if you need help getting ZR
to work correctly.
Pre-Order 1-800-874-4607 (Credit Cards accepted)
Fax PreOrder 1-619-530-2225
International Pre-Order 1-619-490-9234
Alternate order line 1-619-693-1200
Customer Service/ 1-714-833-1999
Technical Support
Customer Service Fax 1-714-833-2001
Virgin BBS 1-714-833-3305
You may also write to us if you need hints or have any
technical questions:
RE: Hint Request
Virgin Interactive Entertainment
18061 Fitch Ave.
Irvine, CA 92714
Make sure you include: Product name, type of computer
you own, amount & config of memory, any additional info
that you think may help us better understand your request,
type of operating system or DOS version number & a detailed
description of the problem.
Have a comment? Find any bugs in Zone Raiders? You can
make any ZR suggestions to the following E-Mail address:
You can log onto our Web sight at the following address:
If you would like to give us any comments on Zone Raiders
please use the following E-Mail address: zone_raiders@vie.com
Members of Virgin Studios Audio Department are also part of
the band CONTAGION. If you like the music in the game, drop
a letter to CONTAGION at:
PO Box 91114
Long Beach, CA 90809-1114
Special thanks to all the people who game tested for us.
Jon Somodi Matt Chan Larry Blackburn
Justin Ratcliff Christopher Parvin Philip Langdale
Russell Webb Robert Thompson Vito
...and everyone else who forgot to send their real names.
The demo highlights driving on the Power Grid track. We
recommend that you use a joystick but the keyboard
can be used also. Your vehicle (a seriously modified antique)
is equipped with a hoverplate and omnithruster, allowing for
dangerously high speeds and neck-snapping maneuverability.
An inertial mass brake is also available for those (rare)
times when slowing down seems appropriate. Occasional use
of brakes (hah!) and reverse thrust allows for more control
to get through the track faster. Totally reckless driving
(recommended) will sometimes result in a quick death.
Restarts are automatic.
To start the Zone Raiders demo, type "raid". The following
options are supported:
'-s' : disable sound and music
'-m' : disable music only (for 512K GUS users)
There are 3 difficulty levels in this shareware Zone Raiders
demo. The default level is the Rookie mode. The other
2 include the Veteran and the Raider modes. The major
difference is the reaction that the player car has when it
gets hit by a weapon. In the Rookie mode the reaction
is minimal while in the Raider mode it is exaggerated.
There is also a Recon mode which allows the player to drive
around the track with no enemies or The Guardian activated.
We like to call this mode the Sudden Death mode when playing
in Network competition.
Joystick - The best way to drive. Forward for forward thrust,
backward for reverse thrust. Sideways will spin
sharply at low speeds, and turn normally at cruising
speed. The joystick is calibrated only the first
time the demo is run.
Keyboard - Up/down arrows for thrust, left/right arrows for
steering. Multiple keys may be pressed simultaneously
(on older keyboards, use the numeric keypad for
multiple keypresses.)
Brakes override all thrust, and are very useful for slowing down.
Key Function
-------- -------------
* joystick forward/backward forward/reverse thrust
* up/down arrow forward/reverse thrust
* joystick left/right left/right steering
* left/right arrow left/right steering
* z key slide left
* c key slide right
* w key brake
esc quit
F1 window smaller
F2 window larger
F3 toggle dash
F4 toggle mirror
F5 back plane near/far
F6 detail hi/low
F7 sky on/off
F8 recalibrate joystick
F9 save game to RAM
F10 restore game from RAM
F12 snap screen to a .PCX
* space bar fire weapon
* m key display automap (m or esc to exit)
1 choose laser
3 choose plasma gun
5 choose grenades
v key toggle V-Locator ping on/off
Outside view
enter key toggle outside, inside views
delete, page dn swing about vehicle
home, end pitch about vehicle
insert, page up zoom in and out from vehicle
Don't forget to explore the option screen menus to change
any settings and keyboard controls (marked with a * above)
you may prefer.
* Questions apply to the shareware version only:
The Power Grid
What is the overall story plot?
Zone Raiders takes place in a nuclear ravaged world where the
only hope is you. You will be fighting against an oppressive
dictatorship called ECO (Ecological Containment Organization)
that is trying to keep you under it's thumb.
What's the goal in this demo?
To collect the 2 pieces of the Atomic Power Coupling (APC) and
then exit the level. In RECON mode, try beating our best time
of 2:10.
How do I find the APC pieces?
Follow your V-Locator which is the green radar type device on
the dashboard. When the line is pointed up then you are headed
in the correct direction. The V-Locator will point toward piece
#1 but is possible to find piece #2 first. If that happens then
you got lucky. The V-Locator will also beep faster the closer
you get. The "v" key toggles the sound.
How do I find the exit?
Use the V-Locator also. After you've picked up both APC pieces
then it will point toward the exit. You can't exit until you've
picked up both pieces.
What's the V-Locator?
As was stated above, the V-Locator points the player in the correct
direction. If it's pointed up then you're going toward a piece or
the exit.
What about the Guardian?
The Guardian is the Master Protector of all the cities, including
the Power Grid. You'll notice a green timer on your dash. When
that counts to zero then The Guardian is on it's way so you'd
better move fast. It's equipped with some mean weapons, so watch
How do I keep The Guardian from coming out?
You'll notice some devices on the sides of track walls that look
like kiosks. Those are called sensors. You'll also notice that
if you blow one up then your green "count down timer" stops. If
you go a little ways further down the track then it will begin to
count down again. This is because ECO has planted these to warn
the Guardian of intruders. If you're within sensor range then that
means The Guardian is getting ready to come find you. If a sensor
is destroyed ECO can no longer track anyone in that sensor range.
TO GET YOU. And the best part is? The phone company collects the
money for you!
What do the power ups do for me?
There are many power ups in the game. Some just add to your weapon
ammo stockpile while others perform other functions. Here's a
quick run down...
Jet Pack Power Up: This will boost the thrust of the player
for a few seconds.
Shield Power Up: This will increase the player's shield by
25% of full capacity.
Super Shield Power Up: This will increase the player's shield back
up to 100%
Hull Repair Power Up: This fixes damage to the hull of the hovercar.
Plasma Ammo Power Up: This gives you a weapon more powerful than the
default laser.
Grenade Power Up: This gives you the most powerful weapon
available to you. The longer you hold down
the space bar/joystick button, then the
higher and farther the grenades will go.
What's this about Hull Damage?
On the dashboard of your hovercar you'll notice a long yellow line
that turns to red on the left. This is your shield/hull indicator.
The yellow part represents your shield while the red represents your
hull. When the red is completely gone, then the gamer has been
exterminated. The tricky part is that you could have one hull increment
left, then pick up a Super Shield and have 100% shield again. All
the while your hull damage is still severe. The shield power ups DO
NOT fix hull damage. You need a Hull Repair power up for that.
What about Network Play?
There are two forms of Network play available in this version. One
is the cooperative which can be played on any difficulty setting. The
other is the Sudden Death Mode which is accessed when the Game Leader
chooses Recon Mode. The Recon Mode is also located in the Options Screen
under Difficulty settings and it deactivates all ECO enemies.
At this time only one network game is possible at the same time.
What do the Dashboard Icons mean?
There are quite a few dashboard indicators that can be used by the
player. The vertical yellow line on the right side of the screen
indicates the amount of ammo you have. When it's empty, you need to
get more. The laser is endlessly full while the other two weapons
run dry the more you fire them.
You may also notice a green points icon. This will determine how
you access new cars in the full retail version. The more points you
get, the faster you gain new hovercars. This is not, however,
implemented in this version.
The Grenade Launcher has a small red bar underneath the monitor. This
indicates the distance that it will shoot.
What about secrets?
Even in this shareware version there are secrets. Just remember, if
you think you can't drive somewhere, you're probably wrong.
If I really enjoy this Shareware Demo, who should I thank?
Send your spirit of Shareware "THANKS" to:
Image Space Incorporated
c\o Java Fund
206 South Main Street, Suite 206
Ann Arbor MI 48104 USA
Copyright (c) 1995 Virgin Interactive Entertainment.
All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (c) 1994-1995 Image Space Incorporated.
All Rights Reserved.